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Technické informace k epoxidovým podlahám 

Characteristics of epoxy screeds

The materials we use are made in the Czech Republic and are subject to the strictest requirements for quality and safety. Because they do not contain solvents, they do not release  after curing no chemicals, unlike PVC and other materials used as floor coverings. There are no epoxy spatulas  freely available in Hoby markets and can only be worked with by trained staff.

It is a two-component  trowel / casting  mass on  epoxy base  resins containing fillers and pigments  about density  approx. 1.3 kg / dm3. Produces  se  in  shades of the RAL scale and v  non-standard color shades by agreement.  

RAL stencil - download.

Epoxy floors have excellent properties:

  • easy maintenance and cleaning

  • smooth or non-slip surface

  • long service life of floor surfaces (50-60 years) = great investment

  • high resistance to chemical pollution

  • high resistance to mechanical damage

  • walkability in 24 hours, mechanical load is possible after 3, chemical resistance after 7 days

  • selection of colors from the RAL swatch + metallic shades

  • possibility to choose matt and semi-matt

  • sprinkling of chips (flocks), silica sand, etc. 

  • application of clear transparent resin

  • installation of 3D wall mural


Substrates suitable for cast epoxy floor:

  • concrete

  • anhydrite

  • leveling trowel

  • pavement

  • OSB boards

Epoxidové podlahy, stěrky NC Atelier

Technical parameters of epoxy floors


Decree of the Ministry of Local  Development No. 268/2009 Coll. on technical requirements  for construction of 12 August 2009 in  §  21  states that the floors of all  living and living rooms  must  have a non-slip surface finish  corresponding  standard values.  The value of the coefficient of shear friction  must  be the least  μ = 0.5. Our epoxy floors  according to tests, they meet the conditions of anti-slip in both dry and wet conditions.  

Influence of water on the applied mass:

At own  laying in progress  reaction of the epoxy binder with the hardener. This reaction continues at a time when  it is  coating applied. When normal  room temperature  Yippee  second  day  floor  walkable  and  full mechanical  parameters 

reaches after seven days.

If insufficient  hardened  the composition penetrates  water, 

occurs  to  emulsification and floor mostly unevenly  white. This color  change leads to  visual impairment  coating  layers.

OF  for this reason, we recommend chemically (water, detergents, disinfectants, etc.) to strain the surfaces up to  after 7 days.


At ten points  graduated  hardness, the epoxy has the same hardness as

marble - but quartz, the most common mineral in nature has a higher hardness. Therefore, there is a surface scratch, which, however, has no other qualitative effect on the floor. As a result, the floor gradually loses its luster and acquires a typical patina over time. A clear shine can then be achieved by mechanical polishing and application of waxes.


In the entrances to the buildings  install  appropriate  and effective  cleaning  zones. 

This measure  prevents  bringing in  large  part of the dirt into the object  and  will reduce

danger  mechanical damage to floors.

Regular cleaning  perform  vacuuming and wiping with a damp mop.

Durable  stains and rubber  grooves from heels that  cannot be cleaned by conventional methods is possible  remove with a suitable cleaner  in connection  with microfiber cloth or soft pad.

When intense  cleanse  use neutral  or alkaline  cleaning  resources.


Polishing  pastes and waxes  use as needed.

​© 2023 by NC Atelier sro 

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Zbyněk Hůrka


Czechia - Slovakia

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Vysoce odolná EPOXIDOVÁ STĚRKA na beton, vhodná do garáže, skladu, haly, výrobních a průmyslových prostor. 

Esteticky dokonalé EPOXIDOVÉ PODLAHY pro dům nebo byt. Zajímavé 3D Epoxidové PODLAHY do koupelny, předsíně nebo kuchyně.

Funkční a reprezentativní EPOXIDOVÉ NÁTĚRY do obchodů, recepcí a restaurací. od NC Atelieru s.r.o.

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